Referral to Special Education and the Planning and Placement Team Meeting (PPT)
Additional Pupil Services and Special Education Pages
The Middletown Board of Education provides special education, related services, accommodations and modifications to students who are identified as having a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Related services may include counseling, speech and language or occupational therapy.
If you suspect that your child may have a disability, you may request a PPT (Planning and Placement Team) meeting through your building principal. Parents or guardians are notified five (5) days in advance by mail of the PPT meeting to discuss the referral. You may request a meeting in advance of the PPT to discuss the process and ask any questions you may have. There are also many resources on this site that you may find helpful. At the referral PPT, you will have an opportunity to share your concerns and the school staff will review your child's performance. If the PPT determines that your child needs to be evaluated, school staff will conduct the evaluations with parental consent.
A multidisciplinary evaluation must be conducted to determine eligibility. Within forty (40) school days from the date of the referral, the completed evaluations are reviewed at the PPT meeting to determine eligibility. You will be offered a meeting in advance of the PPT to review the evaluations and ask questions regarding the results. If the student is eligible, an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) is developed and implemented with your consent. The team including school staff, parents and administration will develop the specialized instruction and support services related to the areas of disability identified through the evaluation and identification process.
Parents' rights for Procedural Safeguards and Due Process under the IDEA are available at every meeting and are also available on this site. The district maintains compliance under federal statute and regulations through the State Department of Education.
Records shall be maintained for each student from entrance into school to graduation or withdrawal. Retention of certain types of records is required by law. Access to and security of student records and requests for amendments are assured by the Connecticut General Statutes, the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and their respective regulations.
The district also follows federal and state law under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Section 504 is a federal civil rights law providing protection for students with disabilities. If you or your physician suspect your child has a disability under Section 504, you can communicate this to your building administrator or school nurse. A 504 meeting will be scheduled to review your concerns and medical reports you may provide and consider eligibility under 504. The team may determine that additional information is needed from a physician or may want to gather additional information related to school performance. If your child is determined eligible under Section 504, the team will create a 504 Accommodation Plan. Please note resources on this website.
Additional Information and Related Links:
Required Parental Notification of Laws Related to Restraint and Seclusion July 2018
Required Parental Notification of Laws Related to Restraint and Seclusion July 2018 Spanish
Middletown Public Schools Pupil Services and Special Education Manual 2020
Referral to Determine Eligibility for Special Education and Related Services
Referral to Determine Eligibility for Special Education and Related Services Spanish
Student Confidentiality and Parents’ Rights to Educational Records